Ergonomics Research Review

Ergonomics research is constantly finding new and useful information, but often this doesn't filter through to those of us who practice applied ergonomics and health and safety. With the volumes of research and the amount of guidance already out there, there is a risk that these important findings and messages are not adopted into [...]

Reducing back injuries from manual handling

There is potential in ergonomics – and probably any scientific discipline – that so much research is done, and so many articles are published, that key ones can get lost in the noise. A paper I recently ‘rediscovered’ from Ergonomics in 2009 is a good example. An article By S M McGill, 'Evolving Ergonomics?' [...]

By |2018-11-22T10:59:17+00:00September 19th, 2018|Back pain, Consultant, Ergonomics, Health & Safety, Manual Handling, Musculoskeletal risk assessment, Occupational Health, Safe working procedures, Services, Training|Comments Off on Reducing back injuries from manual handling

MS Excel version of HSE’s RAPP push-pull assessment tool

HSE has now published it’s much anticipated push-pull ‘MAC style’ risk assessment tool. To help with use of the RAPP we have developed an Excel workbook version. The workbook provides you with three tabs which you can use for different push-pull tasks, to start you off. Click here to download our RAPP excel file v1_2. [...]

Task rotation organiser for ART, MAC and RAPP tools

A simple and easy to use tool for identifying the most optimal task/job rotations Task rotation as a musculoskeletal risk control measure is most effective when consecutive tasks don’t share the same risk factors. To help you plan and achieve this arrangement, the tool we have designed  (link below) allows you to enter your [...]

Review of HSE’s new push-pull risk assessment tool – RAPP

This September HSE launched a much-anticipated new manual handling risk assessment tool – RAPP – Risk Assessment of Pushing and Pulling. Ever since the MAC (HSE's Manual Handling Assessment Chart) was launched some years ago, industry and Inspectors have been asking for something similar to cover pushing and pulling activities, now finally it has arrived. [...]

Taking that ART and MAC tools further – Task rotation and variable weight handling

The MAC and ART tools are great tools for initial identification of musculoskeletal risk factors. This post tells you how to get even more out of them. HSE will soon be publishing a new tool – similar to the MAC – for push-pull tasks which is much anticipated! But before that happens, in this [...]


Connect with Ed on Social Media Guildford Ergonomics is run by Ed Milnes. Ed is an experienced and Chartered Ergonomics and Human Factors specialist who enjoys building close working relationships with clients and employees, introducing them to ergonomics ideas and solutions that are innovative, interesting and effective. Ed, as Guildford [...]

By |2018-11-01T11:50:51+00:00May 18th, 2015|0 Comments

Manual Handling

Manual Handling Manual handling injury is still a major cause of lost time and productivity for industry. Back pain and injury accounts for around 31% of working days lost per year (2,857,000 days). This represents 12.4% of all working days lost due to work-related ill health in the UK.   Our services include detailed risk [...]

By |2018-11-01T14:25:36+00:00May 14th, 2015|0 Comments

Ergonomics general audit

Not sure if you need help or where to start? If you are not sure whether you need ergonomics support or whether you and your employees are exposed to ergonomics risks, we can carry out a preliminary audit of your operations. Our audit gives you a summary of the range of key ergonomic risks [...]

By |2018-11-01T11:59:29+00:00May 8th, 2015|0 Comments


Helping you run a productive, healthy and safe workplace We provide a range of consultancy services to help clients maximise employees' potential, and achieve legal compliance with health and safety law. Our focus is on workplace ergonomics - making sure that employees' working arrangements, tasks and activities, equipment, and procedures are safe and optimal. Typical examples of what we [...]

By |2018-11-01T11:49:41+00:00April 28th, 2015|0 Comments

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