A simple and easy to use tool for identifying the most optimal task/job rotations

Task rotation as a musculoskeletal risk control measure is most effective when consecutive tasks don’t share the same risk factors. To help you plan and achieve this arrangement, the tool we have designed  (link below) allows you to enter your ART, MAC and RAPP scores, then at the click of a button, shuffle tasks left and right, re-ordering them in order to see the most effective arrangement.

Click on the link below to download the file:

<a href=”https://www.guildfordergonomics indian viagra generic.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/ART-Task-Ordering-Tool-v1-4.xlsm”>ART-Task-Ordering-Tool-v1-4

Let us know if you find it useful, if you notice any problems or if you just want to say hello!