Online DSE Assessments
Our straightforward and immediate access online DSE assessments. Your assessments have the added advantage of being reviewed by a qualified ergonomist before your report is sent to you.
RAPP push-pull risk assessment tool – Spreadsheet version
RAPP is the HSE’s latest musculoskeletal risk assessment tool. It provides a much awaited standardised framework for assessing push-pull risks. Our spreadsheet version is quick and easy to use, streamlining your risk assessment process.
ART job rotation sequencing tool
Job rotation can be a useful way to manage musculoskeletal risks. Our Excel spreadsheet is a quick and simple tool that allows you to enter ART (upper-limb assessment) scores and rearrange tasks to avoid, as far as possible, consecutive tasks with the same risk factors.
Behavioural risk checklist
Our unique interactive and saveable pdf checklist enables you to identify factors in your work activities / workplace that could increase the likelihood of people ‘doing things the wrong way’ – i.e. errors, mistakes and violations.
Human Centred Organisation: ISO 27500 online assessment
Our popular free online assessment gives you an indication of how human-centred your organisation is. The assessment takes about 5 to 10 minutes and we send you a personalised report sheet with your results displayed graphically. Why no give it a go – and to make things a bit more interesting, get senior management and shop-floor staff to do it separately and then compare results!
Free ergonomics word cloud poster
Our logo is based on the three key aspects of ergonomics – the Job, Individual and the Organisation. Ergonomics brings these areas together to optimise how we work. Download our signature word-cloud design here. It’s sure to be a talking point wherever you put it up!
Mobile / Agile working guidance
How we work is changing. Smartphones, tablets and laptops present new musculoskeletal risks. Guidance produced by Mobile Office includes a checklist and detailed recommendations on how to manage the risks. Link below to download the guidance from the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors website.
Useful links
HSE’s web pages on musculoskeletal disorders
Mobile working and smartphone, tablet ergonomics
Health & Safety Executive – Human Factors pages
HSE’s high-level guidance on Human Factors and Ergonomics
Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors