Ergonomics guidance for use of mobile devices

Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors launches Mobile Working Guidance Musculoskeletal risks associated with mobile devices. As much as it seems like a hot topic when it’s brought up, interesting views or research pop up, statistics are flagged up, but we – as a discipline or collective of professionals – seem to move [...]

By |2018-11-22T11:00:13+00:00July 23rd, 2018|Agile working, Display Screen Equipment, DSE, Ergonomics, Mobile working, Remote working, Repetitive Strain, Risk assessment|Comments Off on Ergonomics guidance for use of mobile devices

MS Excel version of HSE’s RAPP push-pull assessment tool

HSE has now published it’s much anticipated push-pull ‘MAC style’ risk assessment tool. To help with use of the RAPP we have developed an Excel workbook version. The workbook provides you with three tabs which you can use for different push-pull tasks, to start you off. Click here to download our RAPP excel file v1_2. [...]

Review of HSE’s new push-pull risk assessment tool – RAPP

This September HSE launched a much-anticipated new manual handling risk assessment tool – RAPP – Risk Assessment of Pushing and Pulling. Ever since the MAC (HSE's Manual Handling Assessment Chart) was launched some years ago, industry and Inspectors have been asking for something similar to cover pushing and pulling activities, now finally it has arrived. [...]

Risk assessment and using historical data – is the risk actually low, or has the gambler had good luck!?

How much can or should we rely on accident or injury history when putting together risk assessments? This question is a natural one and it is frequently asked, but there is surprisingly little guidance on it. It initially seems intuitive to say – “we’ve done it this way for years, never had an accident [...]

Manual Handling

Manual Handling Manual handling injury is still a major cause of lost time and productivity for industry. Back pain and injury accounts for around 31% of working days lost per year (2,857,000 days). This represents 12.4% of all working days lost due to work-related ill health in the UK.   Our services include detailed risk [...]

By |2018-11-01T14:25:36+00:00May 14th, 2015|0 Comments


Ergonomics and risk management training Training employees and management on ergonomics issues is an important long-term part of a safety management system. It increases worker engagement, trust in management and delivers continual ongoing financial returns. Guildford Ergonomics provides training in Manual Handling Risk Assessment, Upper Limb Risk Assessment, and DSE / Computer workstation assessment [...]

By |2018-11-21T11:50:04+00:00May 8th, 2015|1 Comment


Our consultancy services Our face-to-face DSE assessments make sure seats, computers and desk arrangements are set up ergonomically for the user. We offer standard assessments and specialist assessments for users who have special requirements. A properly set up workstation means better concentration and productivity. Online DSE assessments that are simple to use on any device; smartphone, tablet or laptop/desktop. We [...]

By |2018-11-01T14:21:57+00:00July 31st, 2012|70 Comments

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